Welcome to KPA Journal
Welcome to KPA Journal. The goals of this modest publication are to allow myself and others to freely share new, interesting or updated information concerning: all aspects of the Korean People's Army (KPA, more commonly known as the North Korean Army) from its birth until present; ballistic missile development; intelligence operations (e.g., seaborne infiltration operations, etc.); and other defense and intelligence related issues concerning the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, more commonly known as North Korea).
As I have researched, written and lectured on these subjects during the past 30+ years I’ve frequently come upon fragments or collections of interesting information that either didn't fit into then current projects or that was deleted by editors in order to save space. During late 2009, while conducting research for three book projects—Combat History of the Korean People’s Army, DPRK Intelligence Services 1945-1975, and an update to my earlier North Korean Special Forces: Second Edition—I once again encountered numerous examples of these fragments and collections. Rather than let this information remain in my files unused I’ve decided to use it for KPA Journal.
Additionally, as I have written reports and articles concerning recent DPRK related issues new information has subsequently come to light. It is my hope to utilize KPA Journal to share such updated information with readers.
While it is my hope that KPA Journal will eventually be a monthly publication, initially it will be distributed on an irregular basis until the time arrives when I can dedicate more energy to it.
Should readers find any of this information of interest or value, and decide to use it in your own research efforts, I would greatly appreciate your both informing me and citing KPA Journal as your source.
Readers are encouraged to share KPA Journal with friends and colleagues. If they wish to be added to the mailing list, or should you not desire to be on the mailing list, please contact KPA Journal here.
— Joseph S. Bermudez Jr.